Digital Transformation: The Imperative for Indian SMEs

 Digital Transformation: The Imperative for Indian SMEs

New technologies can help reduce costs and increase profits through the productivity they bring. Applications that help track and manage customers can improve salesforce effectiveness, automate marketing, and improve customer services.  Logistics management solutions using IOT can create more efficient, dynamic delivery routes. And generative AI tools can help create sales scripts and collateral quickly and tailored to specific prospects. 

A Time of Rapid Change

We are in a time of incredible change in small businesses

Technology is evolving at an incredible pace.  Automation through information technology has spread from complex software being used in corporate offices of large companies to mobile phones being used to make a payment to a street vendor. AI and robotics are quickly finding applications from the largest companies to farmers working in their fields. 

NSSO is currently undertaking ASUSE, which provides data on non incorporated non-farm sector enterprises or informal sector enterprises that form a large chunk of the micro, small, and medium enterprises.

Event: International Conference on Strategic Management and Business Strategy 


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